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Evidence on rural wage employment is thin and lacks nuance for different employment sources, insights on dynamic effects, and an understanding of the channels of effects. We assess conceptually and empirically the direct and indirect welfare effects of entry and continuation in different types of wage employment in rural Senegal. Using panel data, fixed effects and first-difference estimation, we show substantial positive welfare and linkage effects. We find that participation in wage employment increases per capita income by 143%, and reduces poverty, poverty gap and food insecurity by, respectively, 63%, 89% and 48%. While the direct effect on income is larger for non-agricultural and contractual wage employment, the indirect income effects through self-employment are more pronounced for agricultural and casual wage employment. Our results imply that job creation is important for rural development, that wage employment in agriculture can lead to considerable growth multiplier effects, and that synergies exist between large-scale and small-scale agriculture.  相似文献   
[目的]为改变乡村旅游非生态化发展的现状,全面实现乡村振兴。[方法]结合使用文献综述法和实地调研法,基于环境正义理论,将环境问题与社会正义结合起来分析乡村旅游环境问题产生的根源。[结果]一直以来,乡村旅游作为实现乡村振兴的重要方式都过于追求经济效益,而忽视了给乡村旅游地及其周边区域带来的环境污染和生态破坏,造成乡村旅游种际环境非正义和人际环境非正义。[结论]代内人际环境正义的实现是解决乡村旅游环境问题的关键,确保未来乡村旅游发展的环境正义导向和矫正当前存在的环境非正义是必须同时兼顾的两个方面。实现乡村旅游环境正义,一方面应增强主体的环境正义意识、构建公正的环境相关制度以确保乡村旅游未来发展的环境公正导向,另一方面应探索建立乡村旅游生态补偿制度对已经造成或现阶段无法避免的环境非正义结果进行矫正,实现补偿正义。  相似文献   
在分析交通基础设施及FDI影响农村剩余劳动力转移机理的基础上构建空间自回归模型,利用30个省级区域1998—2014年面板数据实证分析普通公路、铁路及FDI对农村剩余劳动力转移的影响。研究表明:普通公路有效促进农村剩余劳动力就地转移;铁路促进农村剩余劳动力跨区域转移,具体来说,东部沿海地区和西部地区铁路与农村剩余劳动力转移为倒“U”型相关关系,而在中部地区为“U”型;FDI显著促进农村剩余劳动力转移,在全国范围内FDI通过作用于铁路促进农村剩余劳动力跨区域转移。  相似文献   

Nowadays, consumers’ quality awareness and health consciousness drive the agri-food market towards a consumer-response food market. As a result, many producers and firms in the Euro-Mediterranean countries have opted for several quality and origin assurance schemes. Among them, a prevalent role is played by the Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) certification that constitutes a successful differentiation tool for agricultural products, and it is also widely used by Euro-Mediterranean olive oil producers due to effective contribution in promoting high-quality olive oil. After going through previous studies of PDO olive oil, this review paper investigates the general aspects and prospects of PDO olive oil products and EU relevant regulations, highlighting the socio-economic dimensions and impacts upon producers, consumers, and rural areas, and determining the gap between literature and practice with regards to PDO’s implementation and the expected benefits. Finally, the paper concludes with the main points and recommendations for further research.  相似文献   
当前企业推进绿色转型进程、提升企业绩效,是实现高质量发展的重要途径。鉴于企业主动应对内外部因素联动影响的重要性,以动态能力理论视角,在探讨了企业变革发展驱动机制的基础上,尝试构建动态环境规制嵌入下的战略柔性与企业绩效的理论框架。分析并实证检验了战略柔性对企业绩效以及差异化强度的动态环境规制在二者关系中调节效应的作用机理和边界。研究结果显示,当前情境下,前瞻柔性、响应柔性对企业绩效均有显著的正向影响,且响应柔性的贡献度较高;两者交互效应亦能显著的正向影响企业绩效;表明企业对环境变化的预测、反应能力以及将两者协同配合是绿色转型发展的重要措施。一般强度的动态环境规制在前瞻柔性、响应柔性与企业绩效的关系中均不起显著的调节效应;高强度动态环境规制仅在响应柔性和企业绩效的关系中起显著负向调节效应;表明动态环境下,一般强度的政府规制政策对企业的决策和创新等行为更多的是无显著影响,充分尊重其自主发展;同时政府要根据环境变化,合理控制环境规制实施强度,谨防给企业应对环境冲击造成额外的负担。综合研究结果,提出企业加强多重柔性机制建设的力度和政府注重环境规制政策引导作用的策略,最终实现各利益相关者协同推进高质量发展的目标。  相似文献   
[目的]从农村居民点内部用地结构演变视角,探索中国快速工业化和城镇化进程中的欠发达农区土地利用转型。[方法]以江西省吉安县凤凰镇铺前村为研究区,采用参与式农村评估、GIS与遥感影像相结合的方法复原了1986年、1996年、2006年和2016年农村居民点内部土地利用状况,揭示了农村居民点内部用地数量结构、空间结构和功能结构演变特征。[结果]30年来铺前村农村居民点用地规模先后经历了快速扩张、加速扩张及缓慢扩张3个阶段,用地类型以住宅用地为主,同时出现了一定的多元化发展趋势;农村居民点内部用地空间结构先后呈现蔓延扩张、跳跃式扩张、填隙式扩张模式发展特征;农村居民点内部用地的功能结构演变特征是农业生产功能逐渐弱化,出现微弱的非农生产功能,生活功能虽然经历稳定弱化和加速弱化过程,但是仍是主导功能,生态功能在中后期因内部用地竞争而明显弱化。[结论]通过系统的研究,揭示了30年来铺前村农村居民点内部土地利用结构演变特征,为优化农村土地利用,促进乡村振兴发展提供参考。  相似文献   
研究目的:明确农村宅基地资格权的权利属性与内涵,从理论和实践的角度探索资格权实现的路径框架,为深化农村宅基地制度改革提供理论支撑。研究方法:文义解释、历史分析、文献研究和案例分析。研究结果:针对当前宅基地资格权的权利内涵不清、实现路径不明、实践经验不足等问题,本文从保障性内涵和现行制度体系适应性出发,认为资格权应当具备成员权内涵,具有身份性、无偿性、长期性、均等性等特征,并基于此从福利多元主义视角构建了宅基地资格权的实现路径理论框架,提出在宅基地资格权的实现过程中,应设立政府、集体、市场和家庭的四元供给主体,并通过城乡统筹保障农民宅基地资格权的多元动态实现,同时运用此理论框架对北京市大兴区魏善庄镇羊坊三村宅基地改革实践经验进行了案例研究和分析。研究结论:资格权应当在兼顾主体意愿和历史根源基础上以成员资格为依据进行主体认定,以资格公平性和均等性为原则,以"实物+货币"双重动态机制和城乡统筹机制构建实现路径,推动"户有所居",并通过宅基地资格权的多元动态实现推动农村住房保障体系的完善。  相似文献   
乡村振兴战略是党的十九大提出的一项重大战略,其中人才振兴是乡村振兴的基础,但农村客观上存在很多难以短时间解决的困难,青壮年、大学生都倾向于留在大城市工作,人才紧缺已经成为限制农村发展的重要瓶颈,如何让更多的大学生参与助力乡村振兴中的研究具有重要的社会意义和现实意义。本文针对高职大学生群体进行研究,在“互联网+”时代背景下,分析了高职大学生的就业创业特点、参与乡村振兴的意愿动机,和内外部的影响因素等,试图寻找适合当代大学生投身乡村振兴的方法和模式,同时,也从大学生的角度提出了如何建立健全相关的国家、社会和学校的支持体系。  相似文献   
农村改厕新技术新产品推广应用问题与对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]厕所既是一个国家和地区发展水准和文明程度的体现,也与人民群众的健康息息相关。随着我国农村人居环境整治力度的不断加强,农村改厕新技术新产品不断涌现,加强其市场化研究可为建立农村改厕新技术新产品市场化机制、打赢“厕所革命”攻坚战提供决策参考。[方法]文章基于农村改厕新技术新产品区域适用性分析与各地农村改厕工作推进情况,结合实地调研形成的判断。[结果]我国农村改厕存在政府支持政策体系不完善、新技术新产品研发推广市场导向不足、行业缺乏规范和农户参与意识薄弱等主要问题。[结论]破除农村改厕新技术新产品市场化困境,需要科学合理加大资金支持、搭建新技术新产品市场化平台、构建政产学研协作推进机制、加强农村改厕的规范化管理、鼓励多种形式的社会化服务、加大宣传培训促进市场推广,多措并举建立市场化机制。  相似文献   
There is increasing emphasis on innovation as a driver of continued prosperity in the rural economy. Globalisation poses challenges to rural areas given technological advances and intensified competition in agricultural markets, ageing rural populations and expansion of urban areas. However, in recent years, the conception of rural areas has shifted from places of production to places of consumption. In line with an increasing urban demand for consumption of products and services close to nature within the rural landscape, we observe the emergence of experiential offers based around non-wood forest products (NWFP) where the consumer is closely connected to the harvesting and use of the products. In this paper, we examine how such intersecting demands have created new forms of market for NWFP, by analysing in-depth four innovative examples in Austria and the United Kingdom. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with the managers of these businesses, and cases were analysed through application of both the experience economy and the innovation systems approach. We found that all four businesses were on the one hand derived from traditional, regional cultural skills and values and, on the other hand, directly connected to new consumers’ demands. The apparent success of these emerging business models lies in the accretion of new social values onto traditional products. Thus creative approaches blending offers designed to enhance cosumers’ experiences into traditional sectors, such as forestry, would have potential in the future. However, our results indicate that there is a lack of institutional support for the development of such businesses in both countries. Better suited innovation policies and support structures would be important for mainstreaming or encouraging the development of similar businesses, innovations and knowledge.  相似文献   
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